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Below is a 10-minute video to show you what to expect in a Human Design reading with Melody.

Melody Simmons

Clairvoyant Medium
Certified in Quantum Human Design

Submit your $15 payment for your 5-minute TikTok LIVE Reading!


Melody offers Human Design Readings, Psychic Readings, Mediumship, and Spiritual Guidance.


Book Now


Our Human Design Reading allows us to see why you are the way you are. It gives insight to better understand why you are here and your life purpose. Human Design shows us the brick walls you’ve been hitting and how to move forward with less resistance. 


Human Design utilizes five spiritual practices: Quantum Physics, Astrology, the Kabbalah Tree of Life, the Chinese I’Ching, and the Chakra System. Together, this shows us why we are the way we are and gives us the tools to navigate our lives effectively. I also incorporate any messages I may receive from spirit during our reading. Please provide your birth information (date, time, and place), as it is required to bring up your chart.



Human Design answers:


     *Why you are the way that you are


*What your life purpose is


 *Why you are hitting brick walls


 *How to navigate your life effectively


  *Why others have misunderstood you


       *How to make your energy work for you




For additional information, please contact


Or Visit my YouTube Page

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